Project Configuration
There are two configuration concepts qd_config.h and qd_module.h in this topic. In qd_config, we help developers classify some system configurations, among which power save is the key point. We use the concept of modularity to include the configuration method in qd_module.
About 'qd_config.h'
- OPL Chip ID check
#if defined(OPL1000_A2) || defined(OPL1000_A3)
#error "no define chip id in global definition in 'Preprocessor Symbols'"
The chip id should be defined in Keil project file.
- RF power setting configuration
System configuration
- Set Power save mode
#define SYS_CFG_PS_MODE (2)
There are three default types of SYS_CFG_PS_MODE that 0 means Low Power, 1 means Balance, 2 means Performance, else means user define if choosing user define. There are the following configurations that need to be manually configured by the developer if choosing else.
- Smart sleep enable
#ifndef PS_ENABLED
#define PS_ENABLED (1)
- Mac layer sleep after got ip
#define PS_MAC_LAY_ENABLED (1)
- Wi-Fi dtim period time
#define WM_DTIM_PERIOD_TIME (3000)
- Auto-connect retry interval
static uint32_t g_u32WmAcRetryIntvlTbl[5] =
#define WM_AC_RETRY_INTVL_TBL (g_u32WmAcRetryIntvlTbl)
About 'qd_module.h'
The developer can choose to use the desired module in qd_module.h
- Network Manager module
If wanting to use Network Manager module to implement Wi-Fi process, the developer could set NM_ENABLED (1). At the same time, the developer must set Wi-Fi Manager module on that set WM_ENABLED (1).
#ifndef NM_ENABLED
#define NM_ENABLED (1)
The developer could only use Wi-Fi Manager module to implement Wi-Fi process if the developer don't use Network Manager module. Set NM_ENABLED (0) and WM_ENABLED (1).
- Wi-Fi Manager module
#ifndef WM_ENABLED
#define WM_ENABLED (1)
- BLE Manager module
If wanting to use BLE Manager module, the developer sets BM_ENABLED (1).
#ifndef BM_ENABLED
#define BM_ENABLED (1)
- Time stamp module
If wanting to use Time stamp module, the developer sets TIME_STMP_ENABLED (1).
- Finite state machine
If using Wi-Fi Manager module and BLE manager module, the developer must use Finite state machine module that set FSM_ENABLED (1).
#define FSM_ENABLED (1)