Get Started

Folder structure overview


-examples : example applications

-quick_dev : Quick-Dev framework program

-sdk : Opulinks chip SDK

Step 1. SDK download and install

Download SDK you needed in Opulinks Github

After downloaded, the folder struct of SDK will look like below screenshot.


Copy below folder into QD_FWK\sdk\

  • FW_Pack
  • SDK
  • Tool

Step 2. Start your first application

Now the sdk prepared and ready to go, open the qd_app project in :


then into the folder base on the sdk version you just inserted.

For example:

  • If download the OPL1000_A3 sdk, then open opl1000_a3 folder in qd_app project.
  • If download the OPL2500_A0 sdk, then open opl2500_a0 folder in qd_app project.
  • Other sdk version likewise.

Open qd_app_m3.uvprojx to start Keil application.

Step 3. Connect ot Dev-Kit

Connect the Dev-Kit via micro-USB

Step 4. Configuration setup

According to Introduction mention, QuickDev-Framework provide a easy configuration mechanism to config different kind of applications and different modules.

To know the detail of the configure file, please check Project Configuration

And both file qd_config.h & qd_module.h can be checked in qd_app project.


Step 5. Build project

Click Build and Rebuild button to compiler project.

Output file qd_app_m3.bin located at <project root>\Output\Object\.

Step 6. Download firmware

Open download_RELEASE download tool located in sdk\Tools\Download\


  1. In Pack tag insert Script, M0 Bin, M3 Bin files.

    • Script -> PatchData.txt (sdk\FW_Pack\)
    • M0 Bin -> opl1000_m0.bin (sdk\FW_Pack\)
    • M3 Bin -> qd_app_m3.bin (<project root>\Output\Object)

    Will generate opl1000.bin in sdk\Tool\Download\Patch after click Pack button.

  2. In OTA tag insert OTA loader, OPL1000 Bin files.

    • OTA loader -> opl1000_ota_loader.bin (sdk\FW_Pack\)
    • OPL1000 Bin -> opl1000.bin (sdk\Tool\Download\Patch\)
    • Product ID -> select to the target chip series ID.
    • Chip ID -> select to the target chip ID.
    • Firmware ID -> number of current project version.
    • Checksum -> auto-calculated.

    Will generate opl1000_ota.bin in sdk\Tool\Download\Patch after click Build OTA Image button.

  3. Select UART Port in UART Setting block which connected to Dev-Kit

  4. In Download tag insert Patch Bin file to download.

    • Patch Bin -> opl1000_ota.bin (sdk\Tool\Download\Patch)
  5. Click download and press reset button on Dev-Kit.

Step 7. Get log

Open terminal (such as Tera-Term or Putty application) and connect to the target COM port and press reset button on Dev-Kit.

API support

To check supported API provied from QD_FWK, locate to \app_ref\mngr_api\ check the header files.

  • Network manager - \app_ref\mngr_api\net_mngr_api\net_mngr_api.h
  • WI-FI manager - \app_ref\mngr_api\wifi_mngr_api\wifi_mngr_api.h
  • BLE manager - \app_ref\mngr_api\ble_mngr_api\ble_mngr_api.h